Stop Worrying About Vandalism, Theft, and Crime.

Virtual Guard Services proactive remote monitoring protects your property 24/7, so you can rest easy.

Tired of dealing with graffiti, break-ins, and loitering? Whether you need to prevent car vandalism in your parking lot or stop graffiti on your building, Virtual Guard offers a solution. Our virtual guard services provide 24/7 remote security monitoring, acting as a powerful crime deterrent.

Our trained security professionals become your virtual gate guard, monitoring live camera feeds from your property. This proactive security solution means we can identify potential threats and take action before incidents escalate. We provide remote guarding services that go beyond traditional security measures. Instead of just reacting to crime, we actively prevent it.

Virtual Guard is ideal for a wide range of applications, including apartment complex security, commercial property security, retail security, industrial park security, and even construction site security. We offer security camera monitoring services that help you secure your property and reduce liability.

The Graffiti Problem Solved

A property manager in Gainesville, Georgia was struggling with constant graffiti on the back of their building. Vandals would strike at night, leaving unsightly tags and costing the property thousands in cleanup fees. After installing the problem was eliminated. Our remote security professionals monitored the property after hours and intervened at the first sign of suspicious activity. Audio warnings and the threat of police dispatch deterred vandals, and the building remained graffiti-free.

Aerial view grocery shopping mall and many colorful cars parked on parking lot
Construction Cranes on Site, Skytrain in Asia

Securing a Construction Site

Theft and vandalism are common problems at construction sites, leading to project delays and financial losses. A construction company in Atlanta, Georgia chose us to protect their valuable equipment and materials. Our remote monitoring services provided 24/7 surveillance, and our trained professionals were able to detect and deter intruders before they could cause damage or steal property. The result? A significant decrease in security incidents and a project completed on time and within budget.

Enhancing School Safety

Schools face unique security challenges, from vandalism and trespassing to more serious threats. Crossroads Academy implemented a virtual security guard solution to enhance their existing security measures. Our remote monitoring services provided an extra layer of protection, allowing school officials to monitor campus activity and respond to potential threats quickly and helped create a safer learning environment for students and staff.

Empty school class during school holidays, back to school, children education

Don’t wait until you’re dealing with the aftermath of vandalism, theft, or other security incidents. Take proactive steps to protect your property and gain peace of mind with virtual security guard services. Fill out the contact form below.

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