Atlanta IT Support

Managed IT Services Made Simple
All pricing is month to month with NO Contracts! Server, NAS, and other network systems vary from company to company. For this reason, we need to check out this system and the usage of these for a final price.

Preventative Maintenance
Advanced Performance Monitoring ensures all of the critical network devices that comprise your small business network are healthy and functioning reliably and optimally. Plus scheduled preventative maintenance ensures that your servers, PCs, and other vital network devices function optimally. This improves reliability and security. Monthly account management dedicates time to review reports and issues that are important to the ongoing performance of your systems.
Patch Management
Patch Management ensures all of your systems have the most up-to-date security and system patches, helping to optimize performance and minimize security risk

Managed Next Gen AntiVirus
A resource-efficient security solution that provides high performance and protection while delivering centralized management, easy deployment, and the freedom to choose between a cloud or an on-premise hosted management console. Using proven machine learning techniques, behavioral analysis, and continuous monitoring of running processes, Business Security offers protection against all types of malware (ransomware, phishing, zero-days).
Help Desk Support Team
Our Network Operations Center or (NOC) team is available to assist with all your support needs, delivering support remotely and actively monitoring your systems for critical failure

Cybersecurity Threat Detection
Powerful managed detection and response (MDR) platform with a team of human threat hunters—so you can protect your business from today’s determined cybercriminals.
Managed Data Backup
Cloud Solutions to Safeguard Systems and Files With Astonishing Ease: Veeam, Servers, NAS, Workstations.
Easily protect your business data through a centrally managed admin. Unlimited, secure, off-site backup for your business. Extended Version History help combat ransomware.
Mac and PC clients back up all user data by default, without group members having to take action or tolerate slow-downs.

Employee Cybersecurity Training
Ransomware is an epidemic for small to midsize businesses and email phishing scams
continue to be the attack vector of choice for cybercriminals. However, technology alone
cannot provide adequate security defense, as employees must be trained to avoid
common security threats.
Recent security reports reveal, that 95% of data breaches are caused by employee error.
Without proper training to spot and avoid falling victim to phishing attempts, employees
will continue be the weakest link in an organizations security defense.
With our helps to transform a business’ weakest link into their strongest